
September 30, 2009

Words of Wisdom

With so much wisdom out there it's hard to narrow things down into a couple of words of wisdom. But there's a phrase that were given to me as a child - by my astonishingly wise parents - that has stuck with me and helped me all through my life and will no doubt continue to inspire me.

- God don't make junk!
This one was particularly helpful to me growing up. For those who haven't read my blog I have a disability - mild cerebral palsy - and there were times when I would question why I wasn't 'normal'. Particularly after the other kids in the playground were mean to me - I couldn't understand why I was different. I started to think that God had made a mistake when He was creating me... But my parents and other lovely people reminded me and continue to remind me that just because I'm different doesn't mean I'm junk. Just because I'm not classically beautiful doesn't mean I'm not beautiful in my own way. This little phrase let me fully embrace who I am and not worry about what others think of me... All that really matters is what God thinks of me and that He thinks I'm beautiful! By being just who I am - nothing more, nothing less - I have amassed a group of wonderful friends and fantastic family who love me as I am. What more could a girl ask for?


  1. That's lovely! Thanks for sharing. Being a child is hard enough and having any form of disability makes it harder. I fail to understand why kids are so cruel. I love how optimistic you seem to be one of those people that sees the glass as half full :) Be you!

  2. Hey thanks! It's encouragement like yours that make the day run smoother!

  3. Love it. Be You indeed. I have a 9 month old boy and the only thing I want for him in life is to be who he is. That is all that matters

  4. What a wonderful thought! I'm thrilled you had people around you to help you see your true value.

    You are beautiful.
