One of my wonderful friends let me snap a few shots of her. (Thanks Mrs K!) This lady is amazing! She is super smart, authentic, beautiful and strong. I have so much admiration, respect and love for this awesome woman. She is such a positive influence in my life. Words cannot express my gratitude for her presence.
You want to know what I like most about our friendship? It's REAL. I can be brutally honest with her - if it's been a crappy day I'm free to tell her, when there's been a wonderful 'shift' in my thinking I can't wait to share it with her. There's no pretense. It's easy, free, deep and comfortable. It's authentic. Catching up with Mrs K always makes me smile.
Anyway we headed out to for a drive looking for an unoccupied space (it was a public holiday - lots of people out and about). We found a park which was almost empty and I vicariously indulged in my well documented love to swings.
So of course I didn't stop at just one photo. I decided to trial a sepia tone. As the project progresses I find I'm interested in trialing different treatments to get the most out of the photo. What do you think of sepia?
Right next to the park where we were there were horses!! And what girl doesn't want a pony when she grows up? I think Mrs K is a bit of a horse whisperer because the minute she walked up the the fence the horses came right up close. Of course I started snapping away like mad. Admittedly you can't see all of Mrs K's beautiful face but I like the sense of connection.
Okay how stunningly beautiful is this lady? My model for the day happily walked down the middle of the road with one ear listening out for approaching cars. It's been amazing to get more experience in portrait photography. Thank you so much Mrs K for allowing me to spend the day with you!
I had a fantastic time photographing one of my most fabulous friends. Life doesn't get much better than that!
Guess what? There's yet another update on the way...
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